I have been referring to this audience as the “previously un-newsed,” for lack of a better term.
I don’t have a lot of data to back this up — I’d love to talk to the show hosts to get some feedback on this — but, after listening to the show for a while, and searching social media for people who talk about the show regularly, it appears they have an audience that skews much younger and doesn’t fall neatly onto a political left/right spectrum. Highly irreverent, but also very insider-y. A lot like Reddit’s community in some ways.
The show bills itself as the “Breitbart of the Left,” and I believe they’ve found an audience of people who weren’t getting this kind of irreverent, broad-ranging political commentary from traditional news sources — and who may not have even known that they wanted it until they heard it.
It’s more of a hunch than a full-fledge theory at this point.
Have you listened to the show yet? :)